Success Via Authentic Connection

I believe that the more we express our authentic uniqueness, the more likely we are to enjoy fulfillment, prosperity and freedom, …in a word success.

I believe that authentic expression counts for more than hard work and more than knowing the right thing to do.

Since success is based on the expression of your authentic uniqueness, what causes you to feel safe enough to express authentically?

What causes you to confidently express original thoughts?

In what environments are you more likely to take a stand?

You and I were meant to do something very special.  That’s why we are so unique.

But what if, in order to come into our own, we could not stand-alone?

What if your most beautiful and most valuable expression of authentic individuality, just couldn’t be reached by going it alone?

What if a certain part of you, (the most confident and strongest part) only emerged in deep connection with others?

What if the special music you came here to sing could not be sung solo?

If these words speak to you are interested in cooperative, authentic connection, let me know.

Exploiting Your Authentic Edge

Do you know your authentic edge in the marketplace? Are you exploiting it for maximum value? Your authentic edge is the value that only you can provide in the way that only you can provide it.

I’ve never understood or agreed with those who claim that everything has already been invented, thought up or created.  That belief dishonors your individuality and your unique purpose.

I believe that each of us has an authentic edge that is a combination individual identity, desires and meaning. That combo, when enthusiastically expressed, is your positional advantage in the marketplace.

So how can you best identify and cash in on your authentic edge? This previous post will help you sharpen your edge.

But the best way to identify it, is to boil it all the way down to its core value.  Blow away everything but the three drivers (identity, desires and meaning) and see what paths become apparent when all distractions are removed.

Less is more. Simplicity is more attractive than complexity.  In my experience, the more complex a situation – the longer it takes to change it.

It takes longer because it requires more thought.  Since we tend to over think important decisions, more thought almost always leads to even more thought and costly delay.

If you really want to make the most optimum decision and take confident action use the following formula.

Simplicity leads more swiftly to clarity. >

Clarity encourages decision. >

Decision leads to action. >

Action further clarifies. >

Authenticity increases the probability of your decision being the best decision you could make now.  When it’s your best possible decision, then you are going to be at your highest level of confidence while following through.

Trust yourself.  You know far more than you think you do.

Less is more.   I wonder if my coaching clients would be better served if the only thing I coached them on was how to best identify these three critical drivers?

Identity > Who you are
Desires > What you want
Meaning > What matters most to you

The combination of these three will point to an obvious decision and follow-through actions.  Work it and you’ll begin to see clearer paths.

We all have a major decision to make that we aren’t making.  The best way to make it, is to ask more powerful questions to drive your quest.

What decision once acted on, would best honor who I am, get what I most want and positively change what matters the most to me?

The answer will point you in the sure direction of your highest value, which is your authentic edge.  What’s your authentic edge?

On October 20, join me for this Free phone class  Micro Business Startup Success; together we’ll find the edge of your highest value.

You Are Enough

You’re smart enough, resilient enough and creative enough to follow-through and do what you are uniquely inspired to do.

If you think anything less about yourself, you believe uninvestigated thoughts that are limiting your capacity to act.

What matters most, is what you believe, about you.

Everyone Doesn’t Have To Love You

Seth Godin shares a powerful message today that makes a great marketing point.  Everyone doesn’t have to love you in order for you to succeed.

If you need the validation and acceptance and patronage of everyone you meet, you’ll get stuck, and soon.  Seth Godin

Everyone doesn’t need to love you or even understand you.  Don’t mix up your personal needs with your business needs.  Especially for self-employed one-man and one-woman shows, we are the business.  In marketing activities like self-promotion, the line can get awful blurry.

But our personal, emotional needs are just that, they’re personal.  It’s a good move to create some separation, at least in your own mind.

Don’t take business rejection personally. The marketplace is rejecting your offer not you.

Don’t get defensive when challenged. The marketplace is challenging the value of your business concept not your personal value.

For the people you came here to serve, you are more than enough.

Proof That God Cares

Does God care about your daily work?  I’ve joined a community of bloggers, Higher Calling Blogs who say yes.  I agree.

My proof is this.  God loves and wants only the best for all. That’s why you were gifted with unique individuality.  You were meant to uniquely express for the highest good of all.

Your special makeup is not some cruel joke.  You came here specially equipped to make a difference in a way that feeds your soul and serves humanity.

Anything less and you’re not even in the game.  Quit selling yourself short.  Express who you are and the right folks will support you.

Choose Your Champions Well

This is a special salute to Barbara Swafford, of Blogging Without a Blog, Barbara is a noble soul who believes in conversation, community and in carrying the flag of blogging.

Since 1997 Barbara has asked very good questions for bloggers to consider and respond. She’s a champion for bloggers and backs in up in word and deed. Go here to list your blog for free in the Blogging Without a Blog Registry

Make Your Best Business or Career Decision Now

Most either delay making tough, important decisions for far too long or decide much too quickly.  What’s up with that?  When did we begin associating discomfort with making the right career or business decision?

Decision-making means that when we say yes to something or someone, we must say no to some other thing or someone else.  Is it simply saying “no thank you” that brings up feelings of conflict?

Is that what causes poor decision-making for you?  Obviously both delay and impulsiveness can cause missed opportunities.

So how can you make your best career or business decision now?  You could call me today for a no-obligation coaching conversation  to see options that you are presently blind to.

Most of us have a major career or business decision to make and we aren’t making it.

I’ve recently come to believe that career decision-making is even more important that career discovery.

You might think that you just have to discover your true calling and all will be well.  But until you act on that calling and live it, you’ll remain unfulfilled.
What I know about you:

  • You know more than you give yourself credit for knowing.
  • You’re closer to seeing the right decision for you than you think you are.
  • You’re better equipped to follow-through than you think you are.
  • Your optimum choice of a business or career decision has already flown across the fleeting landscape of your mind.
  • You just need to validate your right choice and feel the right encouragement to make it.

If you knew the above to be true would you make your vital move now?


Five Blind Spots That Keep You From Seeing Your True Calling

I’ve dedicated the last ten years refining my true calling coaching process and it’s the most comprehensive and thorough career discovery process I’ve seen.

This process unveils who you are in startling, crystal clear detail. Most clients are able to leverage self-discovery to identify six or more true calling possibilities from which to choose. Yet for a few others, it’s not enough to simply know and understand who they are.

If you’re one of those folks I want you to know that there is nothing wrong with you. Realize that each of us processes inspirational information differently, so the same path of discovery, doesn’t work the same for everyone.

When you hit a wall you can either tunnel under it, climb over it, bust through it or walk around it. Sitting on the other side of the wall and moaning is ineffective. Just because a door of understanding opens for others, it doesn’t mean that it will for you.

We all suffer from experiential myopia. This creates a narrow-minded projection of our own personal experience, so that we believe the way that worked for us can work for all. This is especially dangerous for career coaches and authors who dispense true calling discovery advice.

We’ve been guilty of mindlessly spitting out oft-repeated, simple advice like. “Write down all the things you love to do.” Yet if you’ve been searching for your calling for years, without success, that suggestion makes you groan in despair. You’ve read it hundreds of times and tried to answer the question dozens of ways and still, you face the wall of not knowing your right career.

If you get this, maybe it’s time to consider the possibility of what you can’t see.

Some beliefs are so deeply lodged in our minds, that they become blind spots, blocking the opening to understanding. Just like the blind spot in a car mirror, you can be looking right at it and not see your calling because it just isn’t visible to you.

But if you’re willing to courageously consider the possibility of blind spots, by considering the root limiting belief, then you can inquire into it further. Inquiry may remove the block so you can climb over the wall and see your calling.

Warning! These beliefs may hit hard you hard, below the belt. You may not want to admit that something so simple has been blocking your vision. If you try one on and become defensive  – guaranteed there’s a personal truth there that you must investigate in order to be free.

1). Might you believe that a calling ought to reveal itself with certain attributes in a certain way? Perhaps you think that true callings are such a big deal, that if it were really your calling, it would come like a thunderbolt of clear profundity that rocks your soul. Not likely.

Perhaps our callings, the wisdom of our true natures, can only be hinted at, anyway – filtered through symbols, dreams, symptoms, happenstances, and synchronicities. Gregg Levoy

2). Might you believe that more time or more space will help you to figure out what you have not yet been able to figure out? My dear friend, please consider that it was your considerable ability to think that created the wall you face in the first place.

3). Might you believe that if you’d seen your true calling that you’d feel much more inspired, motivated or joyous than you do? This search for euphoric confirmation is most likely keeping you on the sidelines of true living. Like many of us you may not feel the delicious juice of deep satisfaction until after you engage your calling.

Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors where there were only walls. Joseph Campbell

Campbell didn’t tell us to first feel our bliss for the doors to open. For you to follow your bliss you’ve got to first walk down the hall to see what doors will open.

4). Might you believe that something is wrong with the world, your upbringing, the economy or the process or guidance you’re using? If you persist in believing that the issue slowing or blocking you, is outside of you – then you might as well give up and build a life on the unfulfilling side of the wall.

5). Might you believe that you can’t really play the game until you know for sure that your calling is the right game? Hope you see the unsolvable trap in this one. Truth is you can never confirm you’re in the right game by sitting on the sidelines.

If one of these hurt you, then you might have to admit the need to swallow a radical antidote.

You might just have to discover your calling the hard way. Why should that surprise you? You’ve spent years not discovering it the hard way. Hard or easy is so relative to your situation that it may not matter. You just want to find a way over the damn wall.

Here’s a major realization that I’ve recently had by being blessed with clients who had one or more of the above beliefs.

True calling discovery is not the most valuable process for some. Usually the decision to act on a calling comes after discovery but if discovery isn’t coming then decision must come first. Some have to decide first before they can discover their calling.

It may work for you to disintegrate your beliefs but if it doesn’t, please don’t wait to see your calling. If you take that path you may die with your music still in you.

So what can you do? You can work a comprehensive true calling decision-making process that forces you to identify and act on your best, educated true calling guess.

Then your hard way will ease up because courageous engagement creates clarity. But please don’t think you’ll figure it out. You can’t – it’s your mind that got you where you are and it will keep you there unless you jump over the wall with some radical new thinking.

I’d love to show you the way. Surprisingly making the decision first is often a shortcut to prosperity and fulfillment. Call 724-823-0317, to discuss your true calling path or enroll in this eye-opening class: How To Decide On The Best Business For You: Make Your Right Work Decision Now While The Window Is Open.

The Curse of Too Much Time Off

As a career coach, I’m often coaching folks in transition. Perhaps they’ve been laid off or they’ve cashed out and taken early retirement. Some take sabbaticals or extended disability leave, to get a clearer perspective on their life’s work. So far so good.

These folks all have a few things in common. They are in the enviable yet temporary position of having the time to think, without the pressure of earning new money any time soon.

So what do they do? They celebrate. They go overboard enjoying their freedom. Then a few months down the road, they start to panic because they still need to make a right work decision.

Then the real trouble begins. They start thinking too much. Too much thinking, with too little action, spoils a good time. Before they know it they’ve placed themselves in the unnecessary danger of wasting their wonderful opportunity.

I understand what contributes to this crazy behavior. Most folks have lots of unpleasant and unfulfilling work memories.

If this is you, I get it. I know that you may have never felt so free and alive when working and you do deserve a break.

I also know that you sense that there must be something better out there. Some of you even harbor secret thoughts of making your emancipation permanent by seizing the freedom of self-employment.

Some of you eventually get around to talking to a career coach, like myself, who specializes in career exploration and in building a true calling inspired business.

But here is the key. Most of you wait too long to get down to the serious decision-making. Why is that?

My theory is that your work memories are so challenging that you have put all future work in the same basket. You judge all work as something to be avoided and that makes you want to delay the process as long as possible.

Of course a calling isn’t like that. Your true calling is the work you were meant to do. But even a true calling inspired business, is better built in a relaxed, non-pressured environment.

You can’t really take a break from life. Making the right decision is an active process. Taking time off from work, can work for you, if you leverage it so that you know more about your options as your time off dwindles.

You might think you are putting off the decision to relieve tension but the more you avoid the decision the more tension you create.

One of the greatest lessons I’ve learned is this. Anxiety is my friend. It signals a call to wiser action. It’s telling me to turn into the very storm that I want to run from. It’s telling me to drop down deep into my body and feel.

Already self-employed business owners do the same thing. You might have a strong hunch of a needed change but you avoid it because un-embraced anxiety feels scarier than the status quo.

Use your available time as the blessing it is. It’s only a curse if you squander it and invite pressure where there was once only curiosity.

Can you recall a time where you would have been better off to get right down to making a decision sooner?

If you’d like professional coaching, on turning into the storm and making your biggest life and work decisions, contact me and let’s talk. Your freedom waits.

Hope Floats … Temporarily

Hope sometimes gets a bad rap in self-development circles.

Our culture is way too heavily influenced by parental programming, cautioning us not to get our hopes up.

I think that hope is an essential prerequisite for all new business creators.

Despair, disbelief, discouragement and pessimism are all antonyms for hope. Could you even consider starting a new business from that mindset? I know I couldn’t.

Childhood is what you spend the rest of your life trying to overcome. That’s what momma always says. She says that beginnings are scary, endings are usually sad, but it’s the middle that counts the most. Try to remember that when you find yourself at a new beginning. Just give hope a chance to float up. And it will… Sandra Bullock as Birdee Pruitt in the movie Hope Floats.

How glorious it would have been to have such an encouraging mom.

Her momma knew that hope provides a necessary lift of positive expectancy.

Hope is the glue that bonds ideas to action.

Hope is the bridge between authenticity and prosperity. In the early days of new business development there is little else to hold onto when actual results are scarce.

Yet you’ll starve if hope is the only staple in your encouragement diet. Hope by nature is fleeting and provides only temporary sustenance. At some point you must act in order to experience actual, not just imagined, movement.

Yes hope floats! Hope works because it stimulates our original inspiration. This gift is our natural desire of authentic expression within.

But inspiration must be harnessed within a certain period of time, before your “realistic” mind, begins over-thinking your lack of results and your dominant thought becomes self-doubt.

In my career and new business development coaching, this realization is missing for those folks who always feel as though they have too many interests to select one idea.

So they remain suffering within the safety of an endless loop of temporary inspiration and non-action, while hoping that the next idea will have enough lift to be their one true calling.

I’ve also seen this fruitless cycle perpetuated by long time self-help book readers, who mistake end of the book anxiety as the tension-relieving call to get lost within the next book.

But that anxiety is really your call to action. End-of-the-book anxiety is the same anxiety that calls you when your hope is about to expire. Right there, at that point of raw potential, you must act. It’s the only way to get what you want.

Everything in your mind and body is screaming run but right then only a charge will work.

It reminds me of this inspirational clip from the movie Gettysburg where Joshua Chamberlin lead the charge of the 20th Maine Volunteer Infantry Regiment.

Hope is wasted if it doesn’t lead to action. Action leads to gems of original realization and these enlightening treasures are only granted to those who act.

Teddy Roosevelt said it best. It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; because there is not effort without error and shortcomings; but who does actually strive to do the deed; who knows the great enthusiasm, the great devotion, who spends himself in a worthy cause, who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement and who at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly. So that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.

If you’d like to find a point of original inspiration then join me on August 18, 2010, 3:00-4:00 p.m. ET for this free phone class.

Life Purpose + Self-Employment = Freedom, Prosperity & Fulfillment: How to Get Your Hopes Up & Remain Inspired About Succeeding In Your Own Business

Listening To Your Life

I was born in 1950 and country grown, outside of Pittsburgh, where I naturally went deep. The space program was a big deal when I was 12 years old but I can clearly remember it not holding a lick of interest for me.

I was into digging and dirt. I built dams in farmer’s streams. My buddies and I built earthen forts and tried tunneling. One of the best stand-by-me adventures was following a gas line excavation for miles, all day long.

At 12, I took my first job on a farm and my love for gardening grew from there. I worked on the farm for 5 years and loved every bit of it but I especially loved digging up spuds and stacking the wooden crates high in cool, dimly lit storage rooms.

When I was 17, I took a job going deeper into the earth and worked with a backhoe operator installing sewer pipes. I loved carrying those 80 lb. terra cotta sections and jumping in and out of ditches. Can you see the developing theme? Can you see what my life was trying to tell me, even then?

At 19, on summer break from college, I worked as a United Mine Worker in a deep shaft coal mine.

I wasn’t looking for any of these opportunities. They appeared one after the other, as guidance, to write my future life script.

Fast-forward 40 years. Eleven years ago, I was thinking about a name for my new coaching business. I called it Coresight, soon after changed to CoreU. I named it so because I loved getting to the root of deep, messy, emotional issues with my clients and I still do.

Business start up success is always more predicated on an inner game than on the influence of any outside conditions. That’s one reason why every entrepreneur must be able to read his or her own inner landscape.

When I was naming my career coaching company, I hadn’t yet made the connection to those earlier life experiences where I dug going deep so much. It became relevant, years later, when I first read Parker Palmer’s book, Let Your Life Speak.

He proved to me that my soul, my inner wisdom, guidance from the highest and best part of my being has always been trying to nudge me in the direction of my true calling.

But these calling nudges, (like they often are), were not meant to be taken literally but as a metaphor for my life’s work.

Guess what my friend? Your life has been speaking to you as well. Are you listening?

Clients often ask, “Where will the confidence come from for me to make my best career change? Confidence comes from being able to read the signs and follow your life message. You don’t need a past life psychic to guide you. Your life has been giving you real time hints all along.

But you do need to sort out the authentic nudges from all of the “outside-in” messages and I have a way for you to do that. You could write your autobiography using appreciative inquiry.

You can reclaim the wisdom in your life hints by recalling what has worked well for you over the years. If you want a free guide write me and tell me why you think this approach will work for you.

If enough readers are interested, I’ll facilitate a free class on how to interpret your autobiography to see the most telling themes. This approach is one of dozens I use to guide clients to the powerful position of self-understanding and now you can have it for the asking.

It’s all there waiting to guide you and it always has been. Isn’t it time you listened to your own life?

True Calling On A Wing A Prayer And A Guess

On a wing and a prayer means in beat up condition but still managing to get the job done. The saying is taken from a World War Two patriotic song that tells the story of a damaged plane barely able to limp back to base.

I think it’s wildly inspiring to fly by the seat of your pants and just make it.

Some folks get overly concerned about being able to find their calling because they fear they don’t have one. These fearful souls believe as if they are somehow so special that they were put on this earth for no meaningful reason.

So what, you haven’t yet found work that expresses your purpose, what are you going to do, quit life?

Are you going to quit living and settle way down in the depths of depression because your personal true calling quest has yet to be fruitful?

Don’t give me that bull. You may have stuck your toe in the water a bit but you have no right to hang it up, until you at least try a wing, a prayer and a guess.

Don’t quit life. I want to encourage you to suck it up, take off and make it back to the authentic base of who you are.

A Wing

To take flight, find some reason to feel good enough and hopeful enough to get to the next milestone of positive belief. That’s all it takes.

You simply need to change your perspective enough so that you reach the tipping point of positive belief.

To get started you just have to believe that finding and enjoying your true calling could happen. Then you just have to express the courage enough to say that you want it to happen.

All transition is about latching onto the uplift of positive energy and riding it to the next progress point.

This next point of progress can be a fresh realization of understanding or actual results. It doesn’t really matter which, as long as you can feel the energy of hope.

Being hopeful is ill advised only when it’s the only thing you’re relying on. But when you back your hope up with just enough action to stumble forward, hope becomes an uplifting and effective strategy.

Enthusiastic energy provides the fuel of hope when results are thin. It doesn’t really matter what belief is behind your hope. Sometimes we need to lean more heavily on the confidence of others until our self-confidence builds.

The best reason for working career discovery on a wing a prayer and a guess, is because at least you are in the game. When you’re in the game and not merely on the sidelines fortunate synchronicities become more probable.

Timid souls who play it safe, never get even a whiff of these delightful possibilities because they are too damned sacred of losing the life of their daily bitching.

A Prayer

After years of work with hundreds of coaching clients, I’ve come to understand that identifying one’s true calling is primarily a spiritual process. Regardless of individual religious beliefs, this process must be approached with sacred reverence and respect.

True calling cannot be intellectually “figured out”. This process is deeply meaningful to the individual and to the greater community that the individual serves. This sacred connection makes the conscious awareness of working a spiritual process essential.

I want to share with you the prayer that I prayed to accelerate clarity around my calling. This prayer is not for the faint of heart, but for the bold. Do not pray this powerful prayer without a willingness to follow your call. Pray to the God, Higher Power or Inner Guidance of your own faith.

MP3 File

A Guess

Any educated guess, put into action, will get you 100 times closer to seeing your real calling than the most brilliant strategy that is planned and never acted upon.

Really, if you simply wrote down the business that most brings you alive by imagining it and decided on one small way to take committed action for the next two weeks, your life would be forever changed.

Seekers of ideal work would be better off by experimenting, by guessing, by putting themselves in play more often so that life force energy of calling can bless them. Guess and act and you too will receive experiences by which to adapt to move closer to calling.

Make more decisions in every day because a decision is a summoning of life. That’s why a little chaos is good for you, because often you don’t make a decision until you get yourself in a jam. And then, in the middle of the jam, you make a decision, but that decision summons Life Force. Have you ever been a place where you couldn’t quite make up your mind and you just felt sort of limp? “Oh, I don’t know. I don’t know. I don’t know.” And then you decided, and you felt alive again. We want you to know that you’ll never get it done. So don’t approach this from, “I gotta get on this” because you’re not ever going to get it done, anyway. And the other thing we want you to know is, you cannot get it wrong. So, make a decision. Let it flow.
— Abraham

Which part of this sacred, true calling trinity do you need to engage right now?

Creating Clarity

clarity Clarity is clearness or lucidity as to perception or understanding. It is freedom from indistinctness or ambiguity.

Do you more often look for clarity or create it?

I’ve been pondering the creation of clarity. Most folks look for clarity like it’s something to be found. Discovering clarity happens but not as often as you’d think.

It’s far easier to decide to create clarity.

How do you come to your clarity? I find clarity is best approached with openness, calmness and a determination to create it.

A comprehensive process works best especially in matters of career change clarity. When there are many factors to consider that fog our clarity we must work a process that cuts through fog like a torch of sunshine.

Clarity is best created through a process of questioning, dialogue, decision and action. Every progressive step leans toward clarity and further away from confusion or complexity.

But there is one essential ingredient that must be put into the mix early and often.

Truth. If you really want clarity, you must decide to tell the whole truth to yourself about yourself. That’s the truth as you see it, without regard for the opinion of others.

To create clarity you must take a stand for your truth and your truth is likely to be unpopular. Its unpopularity is what makes it individual and thus valuable to you.

But without deep truth, as only you know it, you’re just spinning you wheels.

Here’s the secret. Be especially aware as a truth-teller, just before and during periods of important decision making.

Use this time to note your decision – to comprehend and appreciate the raw truth of it.

When we make a decision and then decide to make up some justification, explanation or fabrication after the fact, we don’t get the benefit of endorsing own authentic choices.

Singular and courageous endorsement of your own wisdom is what creates clarity and confidence.

Here’s a powerful opportunity to practice your truth telling.   Decide to tell the truth when you decline every invitation, be it business or social.

Just saying no thank you can be enough.  But just in case you’re asked, be ready and willing to share your whole unvarnished truth, even if you know that it will not be welcome.

It will be one of the cleanest and most liberating practices of your life.

What someone doesn’t want to hear, can be delivered respectfully and gracefully.  But a sincere, blunt and clumsy truth is far better than any eloquently crafted lie.

Life is given, and not one other human being on the planet was given to live the life you’ve been given to live.  The given self lets you quit trying to live another life, which is what the quest for the ideal life is, and lets you begin to live your own.  Mari Perron

I’ve found that my given, most authentic self can’t get clear in the presence of white lies.  I’ve found that in order for my given self to flourish in resolute clarity, I must first take a stand for what I want, even when it disappoints another.

True freedom is found in the loving acceptance of self and in the glory of expressing as no one else can.