Ten Tips For A Confident Career Change

Confidently making a career change comes first from you knowing and believing in yourself. Assured action then can kick in to confirm the right move for you. Use these ten tips to move from confused, doubtful and uncertain to enthusiastic confidence.

One framing, bonus tip before we begin. Career wisdom most often comes in the form of active verbs rather than the noun of a career or business. Fulfilling work is more about what you’d be doing rather than the name of your profession while doing it.

Too many career seekers try too hard to see the end game. They first try to identify the profession and that’s wrong. Trying to imagine whether you’d like to be a butcher, baker or candlestick maker is putting the cart before the horse.

I’ve been career coaching for 11 years and here’s a question I ask every potential client. “If the best career change for you, happens to be creating your own business, are you willing to seize the freedom of self-employment?”

Any less than a strong yes generally means that a client is either unaware of or doesn’t agree with one of the following career change truths. If you’re hesitating with a career change decision, carefully look them over. You’re solution is to understand and embrace the truth(s) you find yourself resisting the most.

1. The absence of risk indicates that you’re playing too small. There is no such thing as authentically playing it safe. You can’t compromise yourself into a fulfilling and successful career change. Getting real has nothing to do with being realistic and everything to do with honoring a passion that stirs your blood.

2. You can’t see around the bend without getting off your ass. No matter how good a change looks on paper you really won’t know until you step into it. You can’t see what doors may open until you walk down the hall. Knowing that truth will allow you to keep your cool, stay present and observe. Adjusting actions and seizing opportunities as they arise can make a once shaky decision a brilliant one.

3. Ease into change or make the big leap but don’t straddle. Straddling the fence is painful because it hurts no matter which way you fall. Change doesn’t have to be a big leap off the cliff. Some of us love the leap and don’t sweat burning bridges. Others have more of a toe-in-the –water style. Be who you are. If you’re naturally an ease in to it person, be that in your change. You can start small in scope but remain large in authenticity. One way of starting small authentically is to create an authentically inspired product.

4. You really won’t care if the money follows. Money doesn’t always follow doing what you love. However, do what you love and fulfillment does follow. Once you taste fulfilling work you just won’t care about the money as much. Then a funny thing happens. Once you’re not so afraid about making money you become more confident. And money does follow confidence.

5. As long as you choose you can’t really lose. The only way you can make a big mistake is to ignore the longings of your heart and stand pat. Settling sucks, for a day or a decade. Don’t waste another day in soulless work. The instant you know in your heart, that you’re unfulfilled, decide to choose another path.

6. Desire = Proof of Capacity. If you didn’t have what it takes to turn your idea into a business or a fulfilling position – that idea would not have come to you. You are enough. You have what it takes. You are more than enough to live the purpose you came here to complete.

7. Quit worrying about looking like you know what you’re doing.

Fear of looking like a fool will keep you from getting what you want. Egbert Sukop.

Few of us ever do actually know what we’re doing. But we are remarkable beings in our ability to land on our feet. Every thought you have about what someone else might think of you is pure bull. They just don’t care that much. Start being your own authority this minute. What you think about you is the only thought that counts.

8. Find and follow your enthusiasm. Journal. Observe. Take notes of every appealing idea. If a certain business or career change appeals to you, dig deeper and identify exactly what you find appealing about it. Look for and record all themes of enthusiasm; they are valuable signposts. Your life has been nudging you in the right direction. Open up your eyes and notice the nudges.

9. Be sure to imagine the upside. So much of change seems to over-emphasize the downside of what might go wrong. Remember; the reason you’re seeking a career change is to be fulfilled and happy in your work. Imagine how gloriously delightful it will soon be to bounce out of bed each morning eager to face the day.

10. It’s all about fit, first and foremost. If you are miscast in your work you are out of place. Out of place means out of authentic alignment with who you are. Out of alignment means out of luck and good fortune. Be authentic, understand who you are and make your own luck.

© Copyright Tom Volkar 2010, CoreU Coaching
Professional Life, Career and Small Business Coach Tom Volkar, is an international coach, who coaches by telephone, from his office in Pittsburgh, Pa. Tom specializes in career coaching for small business start ups in Ohio, West Virginia, New York, Maryland and Pennsylvania.  Tom especially enjoys working with career change clients from Columbus, Cincinnati, Cleveland and Dayton Ohio as well as Western Maryland, West Virginia and Western Pennsylvania.