How To Get On The Right Track

Being on track feels flat out exhilarating!  I’m talking about those vigorously inspiring times when you know you’re on the right track.   That knowing has been gradually building within me and I want to help you find it as well.  istock_000004985695xsmall

The seeds were planted in these posts where I wrote about doubling your income and getting rich authentically.  Since then I’ve been living with this question.

What is the question that if you knew the answer, would set you free? Peter Block

A powerful question  hangs in there with you when you feed it by continuing to ask it.

By asking the right question and acting on the answers, we earn the clarity to see the right track.

Successful business building is not an exact science.  Opportunities present themselves in unexpected ways.  Discoveries and realizations often occur in the pursuit of other objectives.

There is no “one right way” to accomplish business objectives.  There is only the way that works for you.

Success in business and life is primarily an inside game, because our inner feelings and thoughts determine our decisions and actions.

Five Signposts to Find Your Right Track

1). Are you giving it your all?

Can you tell when you’re stretched to do your best?  It’s often said that given the circumstances, we are all doing the best we can.

We all do the best we can, but only to the degree that we are aware and willing to improve.

When we become aware but don’t act, we have become unwilling and afraid; willing and courageous works better.

2). Is there a more direct way to get what you want?

As a community builder, I enjoy connecting on various social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.  Yet each of us needs to determine what the hell we’re doing there!  For what purpose are we connecting?  If your aim is to get new clients, fear may be guiding you to take the long way around.

Where might fear be guiding you on offtrack?

3). Are you truly open to seeing new approaches and perspectives?

If what you’re doing isn’t working, it’s time for some raw truth and fresh direction.

The most successful people are those who are good at plan B.  James Yorke

My most successful coaching clients, bounce back from disappointment sooner and look for different openings more often.  But often, we can’t see our own blind spots.

We can’t see what we’ve never considered possible.  That’s one reason why coaching works so well, because the process naturally expands possibilities and new- found considerations.

Most likely your way out, is not what you think it is.  The answer you seek could be within you and probably is.  Yet if you’re off track the answer will not be what you first think it is.

If you change the way you look at things the things you look at change.  Wayne Dyer

4). Are you too much in your own head?

Life coaching clients often come looking for the cure to perfectionism, procrastination and distraction.  If you’re over-thinking a fearful future, you’re clearly avoiding the now.

But exactly what “now” are you avoiding?  You may be wiser than you think you are.

Perhaps you dance with these maladies because you know deep within that the actions you’re avoiding are fruitless endeavors.

Perhaps the knowing part of you is aware that by following-through, you’ll create something that’s not aligned with your authentic desires.

5). Have you found your personal updraft?

If you aren’t energized and eager for your work, you need all the raw truth you can handle; and believe me, you can handle a lot.

What’s the big decision you just aren’t making?  What do you need to wake up to, in order to make a fresh start?

Where in your life are you explaining away your piss poor performance and results?  Dang, can’t you see that life is meant to be a joyful glide?

If results aren’t coming easily, at least some of the time, then you’ve chosen a path that requires greater effort to push through the resistance.  There’s always a more optimum path.

Yesterday I was reading about golden eagles that winter in West Virginia and summer in Canada.  They migrate along the mountain ridges in Pennsylvania to take advantage of very distinct, airborne pathways with buoyant updrafts.

This allows them to soar and glide with little effort.  But those eagles had to find and choose the right track for them.

Either you will make your life work or your life will not work. Nathaniel Branden

Your business can also be more of a joyful glide, by getting on the right track for you.  It’s there; keep choosing until you find it.


Ready to find the shortcut to your right track?  Contact me today for a sample coaching session that will knock your socks off!


  1. Hi, Tom. Your happy energy is just leaping off the page; I love it! It’s so inspiring!! Out of all your great points, the first one that struck me is your “…willing to improve.” While this isn’t my sticking point, the second part of this has been: acting on my willingness. Turning my willingness into action other than my habits… ah, habits are all too easy to keep! I really appreciate this reminder. Thank you. 😉 ~ Julie

    Julies last blog post..The Gift

  2. Being on the right track means recognizing value where you are at this moment. Inspiration is within and all around you. Thanks for sharing such positive energy and a beautiful winter scene.

    Liara Coverts last blog post..What happens through grace?

  3. Hey Tom-

    #4 is all me. I have trying to move from corporate Jay to self-employed Jay for a couple months and I find myself constantly stuck in a loop of thinking and thinking. I believe it might be my need to have everything perfect- I realize academically that action is key, but sometimes it takes hindsight to realize I am stuck in my head. Thanks for a great post to bookmark.

    Jays last blog post..The Sunday Ponder

  4. Hi Tom!

    I just feel your energy and enthusiasm in these words! And it’s contagious!! So, it’s getting me thinking of where I’m at on the continuum. Some things, I think I’ve got going pretty well. Other things, I’ve been putting off. It’s time for me to determine why? Is it because they’re not aligned with me, or is there some fear there holding me back? Or something else? Anyway, questions I must address if I want to move forward. Thanks for the push! It’s not always gentle – and I like that – sometimes I need to be jolted into seeing things in a new light.

    Okay, I’m off to continue finding that path as I soar like the golden eagles!

    Lances last blog post..Sunday Thought For The Day

  5. Personally, I think people need to stop planning so much and just go do it. Just get on the track and you will eventually find the right one and also the points you stated are excellent.

    toms last blog post..Rich vs. Poor: Who is more greedy?

  6. Ivan Campuzano says

    Great post Tom, it really does just come down to awareness. The problem is that most people don’t become masters of their internal world and therefore never expand their awareness. Ultimately people who lead truly happy lives are people who take the leap of faith to move with the things that make them happy. When people think of things they want to accomplish in life they make it a destination in their mind. A destination belongs to your ego, it does not know how to get you there. You need direction in life, direction belongs to your being. Use your intuition to know what direction in life you need to take. Keep up the great work brother.

    Ivan Campuzano

    Ivan Campuzanos last blog post..How To Create a New Day and A New You

  7. Flowing like a river going around a mountain. The eagles learned from their predecessors and applied the same techniques to make sure their commute each season was as smooth as possible.

    We have to learn from our own mistakes and the people who have come before us so we can get to where we want to go. That’s how we find that personal updraft. We try new things until something sticks. And when it sticks we do it until it’s worn out. In the mean time we keep trying new things to replace the old ideas.

    Karl Staib – Work Happy Nows last blog post..Work in the Now

  8. Hi Tom. Well, I’ve found the track I want to be on. Just checking out which train suits my journey 🙂 Loved this post! Thank you.

    Davinas last blog post..The Morning Muse — Inspiring Hands

  9. Glen Allsopp says

    Great post Tom, I especially like number 3. Sometimes we just get too focused in one direction that we fail to ‘zoom out’ and see the alternatives!


    Glen Allsopps last blog post..Be the Light that Gives Others Permission to Shine

  10. Tom, thanks for the reminder. I’ve thought of my blog more as a fun project to learn something new, rather a small business. I’m going to draw up a simple business plan for this year to see how much of a business it really is for me!

    Daphnes last blog post..Just Keep Showing Up

  11. Trey - Swollen Thumb Entertainment says

    I love posts like this. It helps to keep me on my toes, because I try to play along with the advice that I read.

    I also love the idea that a post like this may very well change someone’s life for the better. This is solid gold advice, and if I were you, I’d strongly consider writing an entire e-book about this subject in more depth and detail.

    I give you two “swollen thumbs” up!

    Trey – Swollen Thumb Entertainments last blog post..The Definition of “Artist”

  12. Hi Tom,
    Amazing how the universe delivers just what I need in such a timely way.
    This Monday Morning I was going to step away from the computer and start to implement my new Suzie Plan for 2009 as I realized I was not on the track I had set out to be on earlier this year.

    This is brilliant, it has pushed my buttons and this was where I was last week “fear may be guiding you to take the long way around.
    Where might fear be guiding you on offtrack?”
    Interesting your comment re facebook, twitter etc- I just hear Mari Smith ask me that same question this morning: Yet each of us needs to determine what the hell we’re doing there?.

    So now I am off to pave the way to do what will give me a more joyful ride and soar like an eagle.

    thanks for being a SAB- you continue to shine.


  13. Barbara Ling, Virtual Coach says

    For me, one of my favorite sign posts that I’ve chosen the best possible path is a sense of contentedness. It might be tedious, it might be difficult, it might require time…but my overall sense of wellbeing is definitley humming along at a high pace.

    Always listen to your inner well-being…and tweak as required.

    Data points, Barbara

    Barbara Ling, Virtual Coachs last blog post..RANT – When bloggers are PAINFULLY clueless

  14. ljubljana hotels says

    “What is the question that if you knew the answer, would set you free?”

    Maybe: What do i have to loose if i am truly myself for once?

  15. Tom

    This is truly a masterpiece post.

    As others have noted, it’s jam packed with energy – but it’s also masterful work of getting to the “heart” of what your readers (aka prospective clients) may be dealing with.

    There is no doubt that you have “been there – done that” and are available to help those who don’t want to buy the T-shirt factory get to where they’re going!

    Kathy | Virtual Impaxs last blog post..Social Media is Simply Communication on Steroids

  16. Julie – Thank you. Check willingness in your thesaurus; you’ll find some very action-based synonyms, among them are, eager. forward and active.

    Liara – This moment is our all powerful point of rightness. Bravo!

    Tom – Welcome. I’m with you, action rocks. Use these points to get back on track when the derailment happens.

    Karl – I love fresh approaches. New is bold.

    Jay – Well you are the noodle guy. 🙂 Seriously, consider accepting my 15-45 challenge. For every 15 minutes of thinking you MUST take action for 45 minutes before you can think again!

    Lance – You can call me the Jolt-Master! These were not meant to be a continuum, work the one that fitrs you the most and then act.

    Davina – Sounds like your glide is joyful! 🙂

    Daphne – Sure, why not? A plan will give you focus. Let me know how it works for you.

    Ivan – Welcome. It’s great to meet another master of his own inner world. Love your distinction between destination and direction.

    Suzie – Thanks, I love it when the right buttons get pushed.

    Glen – Receptivity is vastly underrated!

    Trey – I like playing along as well. I’ll try not to let those 2 swollen thumbs up swell my head. 🙂 Thank you.

    Ljubljana – Welcome. You have nothing to lose – go for it!

    J.D. – Thanks man. Personal highlights are indeed inspiring.

    Kathy – So cool, you are complimentary, sincere and pointed all in one comment. That’s quite a skill!

  17. What a power packed post and a great set of signposts.

    They resonate.

    I think even just remembering the times where you are giving your best where you have your best to give is uplifting.

    > vigorously inspiring times when you know you’re on the right track
    Beautiful articulation of when you’re on your path.

    J.D. Meiers last blog post..Avoid Mental Burnout

  18. Brilliant comment: “If your aim is to get new clients, fear may be guiding you to take the long way around.” I’m going to really think about that one, do I procrastinate about setting things up so people can actually work with me?

    I also love the Peter Block quote.

    Terry Heaths last blog post..Vegans, Tea and Marketing the Experience

  19. Tom,

    Great post. I especially liked #4. Overthinking and perfectionism can be quite paralyzing, and can often cause procrastination.

    Business building is often very dirty and is never a perfect craft. It requires treading on a lot of dirty and winding roads that frequently appear to get you lost.

    But you aren’t going to get anywhere just watching. You have to actually start moving and see where the path in front of you will take you. It is the only way to learn anything and to move in a positive direction.

    Matt Thomass last blog post..10 Tips for Generating Outstanding Business Ideas

  20. Giovanna Garcia says

    Hi Tom

    This is a great post I really like this one a lot, so much that I have to stumble it 🙂
    My favorites here are #3 and 4.
    And I love the quote By Wayne Dyer “If you change the way you look at things the things you look at change.”

    Thank you,
    Giovanna Garcia
    Imperfect Action is better than No Action

    Giovanna Garcias last blog post..Are you enough?

  21. LifeMadeGreat | Juliet says

    Hi Tom

    This has got me thinking – alot:

    What is the question that if you knew the answer, would set you free? Peter Block

    In fact, so much so, that I don’t really know what to write here!

    Can you perhaps give an example of a question and answer and result?

    Thank you

    LifeMadeGreat | Juliets last blog post..Getting What You Ask For

  22. For me, the most important thing is focus… All of my failures are caused by lack of focus.. One must not allow distractions… Focus with consistency is what a successful business needs…

    Make Wines last blog post..How to Make Wine: Invert Your Sugar First

  23. This is one of those posts to mark and keep coming back to. We all need to ask ourselves periodically “Am I on the right track?” if we want to be truly satisfied with the life we have lived. Your sign posts are really useful and distinct from what I have seen others write about on this topic.

    I am guessing you are a pretty terrific coach Tom and appreciate the opportunity to benefit from your thinking here.

    Susan Mazzas last blog post..3 Steps to Listening Better & Hearing More

  24. “Can’t you see that life is meant to be a joyful glide?” and
    “There’s always a more optimum path” are two very relieving sentences. Why does it seem like it is easier for people to choose the “hard” way so often? I find that so interesting. Realizing it doesn’t have to be that way is so freeing.

    Christines last blog post..Trademark Basics for Small Business Owners

  25. “The most successful people are those who are good at plan B.” James Yorke

    Flexibility is the hallmark of a successful person. Life never goes exactly according to plan. Those who are unwilling to adjust to the hurdles will likely stumble over them. It also shows that one can keep their ego in check.

  26. Chris Edgar | Purpose Power Coaching says

    Hi Tom — thanks for this post. My sense is that what you said about Twitter and Facebook applies to blogging as well. I really like writing, and I’ve come to believe that blogging, for me, has sometimes been a method of procrastinating around going out into the world to meet potential clients face to face. I’m doing more speaking these days and so my thinking is gradually shifting. — Best, Chris

    Chris Edgar | Purpose Power Coachings last blog post..Free Teleseminar: Transcending Procrastination

  27. …..Wow…

    I am seeing myself in #1 & #4 almost equally.

    When we become aware but don’t act, we have become unwilling and afraid; willing and courageous works better.

    So true! and add to that…

    If you’re over-thinking a fearful future, you’re clearly avoiding the now.

    Being aware of a change being the only option, yet being fearful of the results of that change

    *Is it the right thing for me to do?
    *Have I built it up in my head so much that it is my brain pushing it & not my heart?
    * Do I have a chance at pulling it off?

    .. paralyze me
    ….up until now:D

    I truly appreciate these signposts & have a lot to chew on in my current business development stage as well as my ongoing personal development!


  28. I think the one I have the greatest difficulty with is being stuck inside my own head. I get lots of ideas, but never really do anything with them because I don’t think I have the time/money, energy. I want to do certain things, but I can’t get myself to make the leap to do them, and if I do, it has been after an unusually long period of consideration. That is one I must work on.

    ~ Kristi

    Kikolani | Blogging, Poetry, Photographys last blog post..9 Ways to Use Social Networking for Blog Promotion

  29. Terry – Welcome. Yes it’s a disease that strikes solo-professionals often. It was a huge awakening for me to realize that there is almost always a more direct, shorter way to get what I want.

    Matt – Dirty action, I love it. 🙂

    Giovanna – I appreciate the stumble, coming form the acion gal, that means a lot to me.

    Juliet – Yes it is a very powerful question. Get his book, The Answer to How is Yes; it will blow your mind. When working with a powerful question like this we can’t apply it in the abstract. We need to apply it to a real challenge that’s facing us now, a challenge that we may have previously just sought an answer to. Instead determine the right question to this question.

    What is the question that if you knew the answer, would set you free?

    You’ve asked for an example. I think I’ll leverage your answer by making it my next blog post.

    Make Wine – Welcome. Focus is essential.

    Susan – I agree the self-check-in and business check-in needs to be a very regular process. Thank you, I am an outstanding coach because I work with courageous clients who want to make huge breakthroughs. Who you coach makes all the difference.

    Gennnaro – Welcome. Well said, in fact it’s better to plan on mistakes and hurdles. That’s a good realization about ego, that guy can’t stand the heat in the kitchen of real growth.

    Casie – Welcome. Yes, ask those good questions of yourself, chew on them, digest them and act. Abundance is biased towards action.

    Kikolani – It sounds as though you may be believing in some classic business myths. Like, “It takes money to make money.” Not true. Those myths are passed around by all the business people who have failed because they believed it an other lies. Look for an email form me with some options for you.

    Christine – Yes abundance is the natural state of affairs in the Universe. It is supposed to be all good. You asked, “Why does it seem like it is easier for people to choose the “hard” way so often?” Oh it’s not easier, just ask them. The hard way is much more difficult. But they are more likely to choose the most challenging way and they do it because of their fear. All poor choices are do to some fear of the future. Now there’s a sweeping a statement to wrap your mind around.

    Chris – Damn tootin it applies to blogging or any other activity that is less than the direct way to engage in real client conversations. You’ve already made the shift ion mind, now back that up with consistent action. Let Go Direct, be your mantra.

    Robin – Yes an updraft is a wonderful image because it causes us to look for leveraged opportunities. Think Joyful Glide!

    Cath – Glad you’ve found it fitting and inspiring. Use it to get on track and take some action. Once we gain clarity on the points, it’s really easy to determine an adjustment and get going. I know you will.

  30. Hi Tom – I love your “personal updraft” term! And your golden eagles analogy: “This allows them to soar and glide with little effort. But those eagles had to find and choose the right track for them.”

    It’s a great thing to find our right track.

    Robins last blog post..The Fountain Of Youth Gets An Update!

  31. Hi Tom – this article has come at a great time for me – I definitely need to find my personal updraft. With all that has been going on, the year has been a non-starter for me so far.

  32. A very thought provoking post Tom. Once you’ve found the right track it can become self perpetuating in the sense that you enjoy it, you feel fulfilled and you want more. One of the worst things is pursuing something you don’t truly enjoy. There is nothing worse than forcing yourself to do something you aren’t committed to. Finding the right track is the most difficult part.

    Mark Thomass last blog post..Microsoft to release special edition Red Xbox 360 Elite

  33. Amazing. Being on the right track is difficult sometimes. I guess we all get miered in negativity from time to time if something doesn’t work out they way we would like, or if we had a bad month business wise. It’s a process for sure.
    Great Post!

    Grogs last blog post..What Is Dengue Fever?

  34. I, too, often get caught up in too much thinking. I can recognize that now and ask the fear question. I’m grateful for my yoga practice, helps to ground me again. I like your challenge to Jay – 15 min of thinking means 45 min of action!

  35. Sometimes I feel as if I’m on several tracks at once. I’m excited to announce that I am on track (the right track) to receive my professional life coach certification. I’m excited to be opening more doors that will lead me to serve others.

    Stacey / Create a Balances last blog post..What Are Your Intentions?

  36. Hi Tom! I’ve been gone traveling and presenting that I haven’t been online much lately at all. You are right on target here with your post. When it’s right, it is easy to soar.

    Interesting I stumbled on to a possible new market for my canyon. It is really exciting to think about and I’ve already begun to investigate the possibilities! I’m giddy!

    I finally presented in middle school which I had been procrastinating preparing for. Turns out, it rocked! (get it- rocked?) I feel that this success will be something to draw from when I am feeling hesitant in the future.

    When I think about where I was a year ago….. Man, what a relief to be an entrepreneur!

  37. Mark – Welcome. I’m pleased to meet another who only chooses authentic work.

    Grog – Thank you. Negativity is sure one indicator that we are on the wrong track.

    Stacey S. – Then take that challenge yourself. Act more, think less, enjoy all.

    Stacey – Congrats on joining the ranks of professional coaching. Several tracks are okay as long as you still are completing.

    Laurie – Beautiful! You are such a good fit for independence. You’ll continue to see more and more opportunities.

  38. Tim Brownson says

    I LOVE that Plan B quote. I’ve never heard that before Tom.

    I agree about the knowing why you’re on Facebook, Twitter etc. I am starting to dislike FB because of all the crap I get sent. OTOH, I love Twitter just because I have so much fun. I do think it’s getting a bit too commercial and spammy which is why I only follow people that talk to me.

    Do I get clients? Nope, but that’s not really why I’m there.

    Anyway, that was slightly off topic, but I don’t do well with staying on topic 😉

    Tim Brownsons last blog post..Conquer Your Fears Of Public Speaking

  39. Tim – Well at least you do know why you are there. Fun, hmm what a concept! 🙂

  40. Tom, Thank you for your never ending well of inspiration! Shann

    Shanns last blog post..Are You Giving Your Personal Power Away?

  41. Tom Volkar says

    Shann – Thank you dearly. My inspiration will never end and I love to be inspired by you as well.

  42. James Fulton says

    Hi Tom,

    Have you found your personal updraft? Here is the thing i find myself often struggling with, i am not able to find my strengths either in my personal or professional life. I was very much afraid to make a fresh start also as its already very late..



  1. The Chronicle of Coaching - News of the Week - February 26, 2009 | Welcome to The Coaching Commons says:

    […] there is some room for confusion. So what do I do? And what is “The Breathing Space” all about? How to Get On the Right Track February 22, 2009, By Tom Volkar Life coaching clients often come looking for the cure to […]

  2. […] How to get On The Right track […]

  3. […] the comments of my last post, Juliet at Life Made Great, asked me for an example of how I use this question posed by Peter Block […]

  4. […] Get on track by asking yourself the right questions. – “What is the question that if you knew the answer, would set you free?  A powerful question hangs in there with you when you feed it by continuing to ask it.  By asking the right question and acting on the answers, we earn the clarity to see the right track.  Success in business and life is primarily an inside game, because our inner feelings and thoughts determine our decisions and actions.” – via Delightful Work […]

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