Ring The Authentic Bell And Win The Big Prize

iStock_000008180567XSmallConnecting the big link between authenticity and prosperity is a process of coming back to oneself.  My intention is to create environments where your reconnection to original magnificence will thrive.  I want to show you your way to ring your authentic bell so that you continue to hear its strong, clear call.

If you too want abundant fulfillment and financial prosperity from putting your purest self out there – I invite you to join me in the process.  These are the connection points that I’ve recently worked.  They cannot be skipped.  All transformation begins within.


No more hiding. No more holding back. No more playing smaller than I could play.  No more going for second place dreams.  No more listening to my fears. I accept full authenticity and abundance regardless of form, expression or manifestation.  I declare myself to be an instrument in service to my original uniqueness.


The last time that I followed through all the way to completion, on a first place dream, was in 1992.  That dream ended in 1997 with a loss of worldly possessions and much of my self-regard.  I’d boldly chosen, come close but no cigar.

I missed the mark and lost a home, a marriage, all my money and temporarily, my peace of mind.  I’m now grateful for letting it all go.  I’m grateful for all of my wounds.  Now is the time to come boldly forth again.

My confession is that even though I’ve coached many to go for their gold, I’ve been playing it safe and just nipping around the edges of my next big thing.  I’ve been shying away from the hot stove of flat out, passionate desire because of that old burn.  No more.


Entrepreneurship is a sacred exploration of trust.  Recently I asked for help from a dear, trusted friend and she wisely asked me to commit to a spiritual practice of forgiveness for a few days.

Perhaps you too need to forgive yourself for your many misses.  Perhaps you too need to clear out all the mental waste that is weighing you down before embarking on a new journey or special project.

I wasn’t fully hearted in some past limited attempts but I can see more clearly now.  I see now how I have previously misfired on many projects because I kept planting new seeds over old ground that wasn’t properly prepared for a new crop.  Those messy misses were a necessary part of my evolution.  Now I am doing the work of my bravest heart.

All authentic pursuits are good for us.  I want you to forgive yourself, if like me; you’ve taken some shots and fallen short.  All authentic pursuits (whether birthed to die within a day or even after a few hours in our minds) create a cumulative good that has strengthened your brave heart.  This is a key component of Divine Coalescence.

Divine coalescence is recognizing the realization that Life has always guided you to experience your highest possible expression.  Life has always been for your highest possible benefit and every single experience in your life is coalescing on your behalf.  This means that no intention, no action, and no unfulfilled desire has been a waste of time.

I fully forgive myself for all false starts, incompletion, errors in judgment, small thinking, inauthentic pursuits, embraced distractions, under-earning, excuse-making, self-created limitations and fearful behaviors.  By deep feeling absolution I’m now digging up and tossing aside all rocks and roots that have previously stunted my authentic growth.

Evolution is a gnarly, messy exploration into higher states of consciousness and then outward to increasingly bolder authentic expression.  But the journey begins within because that’s where your untarnished, purest vein of authentic desire and capacity resides.

Ring The Bell

I’m a big strong guy and I’ve always been able to swing the sledge and ring the carnival bell.  But sometimes it takes a more solid hit. Sometimes, at first, we fall short before striking gold.  Perhaps our strike wasn’t squarely on the mark or perhaps we just hadn’t focused enough weight and energy into our swing.

I like the carnival atmosphere and the playful kidding and laughter from onlookers when one comes very close but no cigar.  There’s something cathartic and primal about watching the striker rise, come close and slowly fall all the way back down to ground zero.  After near misses one must find the determination to re-gather energy, refocus aim, and re-adjust swing for the right amount of committed determination before taking another swing.

That’s where I now find myself.  I’m preparing solid ground for another swing to ring the big bell of authenticity.

Win The Big Prize

The big prize is total fulfillment, unlimited freedom, unbridled joy and lavish abundance, simply for fully expressing your authentic self.

Don’t you too want all that just for being who you are?  Deep in my bones, I know that’s our true original blessing.

That’s what I’d like to encourage for all of you who want to connect your authenticity with your prosperity.  I see too much struggle from folks who simply want to be real and be rich.  I see too much hesitation from folks who are still hiding their wildest, most beautiful essence.   I’ve encouraged you to come out and play before.

But now I’m determined to do something about it.  It’s my intention to connect this big and beautiful link.  I really have no choice, for this is my soul’s mission.  I can now feel the authentic lift and I’m riding it all the way, wherever it goes.

Stay tuned.  If you are so moved join me with a declaration of your own below.  I’m inviting you to reconnect your own link by working this sacred process.

What’s Next?

Only Future Tom knows that, but first he wants me to let go, clear fear and fully forgive myself before further details are revealed.  I’ve decided to be completely transparent as I call forth this rally of grand reconnection.

My pledge to you is that I will play no games.   I’d rather give it to you raw and unpolished then waste time on strategizing the perfect launch.  That’s not my style.   Can you handle my wildness?   Can you follow a leader who is only a half step ahead in his own pursuit?  I prefer to believe that if you want more money to come your way as a result of your most authentic expression then, you’ll join me if you feel it in your heart.

Although it helps, everything doesn’t have to be expertly marketed.  I’d rather err on the side of authentic full disclosure and trust that you are wise enough to know the real deal when you feel it.

I promise you this.  The connection experiences I deliver will always be one-of-a-kind originals.   Together we’ll go deep, connect and bring forth your sweetest, purest self.  We’ll ride the camaraderie of unconditional support and authentic validation all the way to the bank!

Since we are all connected, I trust that you’ll recognize the wisdom in offering a hand up to your fellows who also may have struggled in this pursuit.  I trust that you’ll look in your heart and email this post to whoever comes into your mind.

I know this for sure.  You can reconnect your big link and by working together we can all get their sooner.  Open your heart my friend.  Feel your warrior within standing tall and strong as you consider this sacred pursuit.

It will be a blast to watch something this big evolve.  But I want more for you than a ringside seat.  I want you to reconnect your own link between authenticity and abundance and become a player in life’s greatest game.

Get ready to ring your own bell by making a declaration, a confession and forgiving yourself.  It’s beautifully cleansing work.  Fear not, you’ll come out the other side stronger and more determined to be rich, fulfilled and wildly entertained, just by being you.

Ready to begin this clearing work now?   Then call me 724-823-0317 or contact me here. 


  1. Suzanne @ vAssistant Services says

    No more hiding. No more holding back. No more playing smaller than I could play. No more going for second place dreams. No more listening to my fears.

    Just reading these words scares the shit (holy and unholy) out of me, but I know beyond knowing that they state what I must require of myself to live the life I want to live. They evoke a rush of adrenaline just considering their possibilities. They make me sweat. But I have areas of my life where I’ve accomplished these and I know the bliss they bring. I want more of that bliss.

    Can you handle my wildness? Can you follow a leader who is only a half step ahead in his own pursuit?

    Not only yes, but HELL YES! Bring it on, friend. Bring it on!

    Evolution is a gnarly, messy exploration into higher states of consciousness and then outward to increasingly bolder authentic expression. But the journey begins within because that’s where your untarnished, purest vein of authentic desire and capacity resides.

    So when I asked yesterday if all the thrashing (the gnarly, messy exploration) around is necessary…or if there is a shortcut…I wonder now if the answer is a paradox.

    That yes, it’s necessary, but the shortcut is in what you propose to create – the environment of unconditional support and authentic validation where I am not only free but encouraged to be my real self? Because likely most of us don’t have a whole lot of those kinds of environments to live and play in? And in such an environment, the exploration might not take as long? Do I ‘get’ it as you mean it?
    .-= Suzanne @ vAssistant Services´s last blog ..What’s Keeping You from Blogging? =-.

  2. John Morlan says

    In your words, “No more hiding. No more holding back. No more playing smaller than I could play”, I hear the voices of two great men. My high school football coach and my father.

    Reminds me of Marianne Williamson’s words too:

    “Your playing small doesn’t serve the world. There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do.”

    And this one:

    “As we let our light shine, we consciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence actually liberates others.”

    Tom, thanks for this challenge and for bravely letting your authentic self shine for us.

    I declare to no more holding back. No more playing it safe. I too have confessions of previous falls, bumps, bruises and in a couple of cases “severed arteries”! I forgive myself and am poised to step into the fullest expression of me.

    Let’s rock!!

  3. Suzanne – You are dead on. You get it. Most of us have had years of toxic conditioning piled on layer after layer. We have been conditioned to think we are authentically small. But we are big balls of authentic fire when allowed to thrive in a conducive environment. We only have had very brief experiences of unconditional support, recognition and validation of our core beings. But that is indeed what I am working on. You’re right – it’s my sense that with such sincere appreciation our balls will grow to be large enough to be all of who we are.

    John – I’m honored to have fired you up! Do the inner work that’s necessary and you too will reconnect your link. I know you have it in you because these words speak to a higher you. I accept and endorse your declaration. Be strong!

  4. Declaration: I will be delighted to become wealthy by serving lots of people well (and hopefully making lots of friends in the process) and providing outstanding value.

    I believe if you want less stress and more joy the solution is to be found in authenticity (the rest is usually just pain alleviation – important of course but not a permanent solution).

    I think that many people come to authenticity after they have achieved some kind of (external) ‘success’. For me its the reverse, I’ve had the luxury of sorting out my internal stuff. My growing edge is learning about the externals (marketing and so on).

    I don’t think it’s about forgiveness for me, probably lots of clutter to clear though.

    My misses.
    Not knowing that people think in silos (an acupuncture practise that took emotions into account didn’t work because they weren’t in the same ball park in people’s heads – even those who professed being ‘holistic’).
    Not being interested in money.
    Not worrying about the market at all and following only my own interests. (Let me tell you, there is no market for a christian, physical spirituality. I’m still glad I put in the time and wrote the book, but it’s not going to sell a million).

    Being in Australia I won’t be on the call but I’m sure it will be a blast!
    .-= Evan´s last blog ..A Thriving Review =-.

  5. Wow Tom. This was a beautifully passionate declaration that was inspiring to read. Thanks for sharing to openly. I can’t say I have an inner urge to take any leap, probably because I’m really happy where I am, and recently have been feeling quite authentic. Still, you always make me think about my next big step.
    .-= Daphne @ Joyful Days´s last blog ..Are Enlightenment and Intimacy Compatible? =-.

  6. Hi Tom

    I have someone in mind to forward this to. Thank you.

    .-= Juliet´s last blog ..The Test of Three =-.

  7. Evan – What I love about your authentic expression is you know the value of the work you do and you have no hesitance about sharing it with the world. Your misses and your wounds are serving you well. Keep at it. As you know, once we embrace the authentic path there is know turning back. I love that!

    Daphne – Your posts make me think as well because you express on things that few do. I hope my readers take a moment to read your intimacy post. Great stuff! I appreciate your support.

    Juliet – Thank you! I’m pleased you’ll be on the call. It promises to be heavily charged with cathartic cleansing and authentic determination.

  8. Tom,

    I am just picking myself up off the floor… I was completely blown away by this post! The power of is was astounding. I feel like I’ve watched the sun go from a small, glowing disc in the sky to catching fire as that very sun blazes into a supernova!

    So funny, that you think you will be writing more rustically and less polished. I think that the opposite is true – you write even more eloquently.

    Declaration: I declare that I will no longer stand in the shadows. I will embrace my uniqueness as if my life depended on it, and make no excuses for it. When my voice of fear arises, small and weak, it will be unable to raise its voice above the roar of inspiration and passion. I accept full authenticity and abundance regardless of form, expression or manifestation. I declare myself to be an instrument in service to my original uniqueness.

    Truly, following your authentic heart is living a simply divine life!

    .-= Keena´s last blog ..The Secret to Happiness… =-.

  9. Tom,

    I would like to make a request on behalf of Evan and myself, and any others who cannot make the call…

    Could you PLEASE RECORD IT and send out the link to all of us who have susbscribed?

    I think this is really IMPORTANT work you are doing and I would hate to miss any of it.

    I will be happy to sign up for the call in addition to being on the list, but I know I cannot make the call.

    Thanks so much!

    Peace and joy,
    .-= Keena´s last blog ..The Secret to Happiness… =-.

  10. My declaration: To develop my authentic artist!
    My confession: I’ve cheated myself for not doing that before. I have never felt talented enough but have always felt Spirit-filled when being creative.
    Forgiveness: I need to forgive myself for the blunder of my last job. I let the disapproval of others chip away at my self esteem. I need to own that that job disaster was not a reflection of my value and talent. I’m still working on this one.

  11. Tom,
    Your friend was very wise. I’ve never thought of forgiving myself for the times I’ve missed the mark. I don’t know…maybe I never held it against myself although I’m my own worse critic.

    You’re awesome and authentic thanks for passing on the opportunity to look deeper and pop back up strong and authentic.
    .-= Tess The Bold Life´s last blog ..What Really Matters? =-.

  12. Tess – I originally thought the same thing but then I realized that since I hadn’t fully forgiven myself and moved on my past mistakes were affecting my present aspirations. I do better not only with single focus but with balls to the wall energy for 2-3 weeks at a time. By forgiving I’m not slowing myself down as much. Thanks Tess and full blast of authentic gratitude back at you.

    Keena – Your passion and gratitude blow me away. I love your declaration it’s powerful, clean and moving! Thank you for your inspiration!

    Yes I will record the call and put it up on my new site.

    Laurie – Those are some powerful declarations and intentions. Do them now while you are still feeling them. I though you had some last job junk to remove. You can do it. Let that spirited artist shine!

  13. MY AUTHENTIC SELF (or) What I Learned On My Delightful Work Summer Vacation.

    Can you handle MY wildness? I was born into a long line of Wild Irish Ones, ones who make a lot of mistakes, so we pretty-much have to forgive ourselves daily.

    I forgive myself for my constant imperfection. I don’t have to forgive myself for my good-natured cussing, such as ass-kicking and such.

    I’ve got a fresh start
    a clean pure heart
    I’ve got songs to give
    a great life to live

    I’ve got my hoe, my rake, a bucket of finest manure. I’ve got good strong legs, arms and back to tear into that compacted soil and smash those big clods to smithereens. When I’m done spinning that earth into fine sweet grains, I’m gonna jump and run barefoot and do cartwheels and handsprings all over that rich loamy garden plot.

    Then… I’m gonna take both hands full of seeds and leap into the air, tossing those seeds as high as I can to let them fall wherever they will. I’m gonna take a hose and give a light soaking to my garden plot morning and evening.

    I’ll sing to it by the light of every star.

    When the sprouts come up I’ll get down on my hands and knees and kiss each one.

    There will be bees in my garden like never before.

    And when the sunflowers bloom I’ll cut every other one to save the seeds for next year, let the birds have some and give the rest away to each person I come in contact with.

    Now I’m not one to smoke cigars, but when I ring that bell and keep it ringing I’ll take some packs of fine organic java to brew and share. And the grounds will go back to my compost for more flowers.
    .-= Jannie Funster´s last blog ..Yes, Kids Do Say The Darndest Things =-.

  14. Jannie – Yes I can handle your raw wildness. I love it, I encourage it, I accept it and I delight it in. What a blessed man your husband is to be able to be in the presence of such a wildly creative whirlwind of a woman. I Love it! 🙂

  15. Tom,
    I was going to email you, that my assignments may take a few more days, because I have had to stop and concentrate on forgiveness.

    I am being profoundly moved by your exercises and my need for forgiveness.

    I am being tested by my sister and my child too – loudly.

    I can feel the movement and claim it as my own.

    I also had to stop and climb the trees to prune storm damaged boughs and begin to pack the earth for winter slumber
    and cut the zinnias for a bouquet of joy to feast upon.

    Always the garden is growing the focused upon fruits.

    Jannie, You are wonderful and I love your writing here too.
    .-= Patricia´s last blog ..Some More Sand in the City Pictures – 2009 =-.

  16. whoo-hoo!
    .-= Jannie Funster´s last blog ..Like a bord on a wire, 10 — Double Cod Edition! =-.

  17. Tom!

    Damn straight I can handle your wildness. This wildness, this pure abandon is the seed of all life and truth within us.

    I spent longer that I care to admit…apologizing for my fire, my expansive visions, and my VERVE for this amazing experience of life. What I did not realize, until I finally gave it up in the last couple of years….that apologizing for my passion was actually–

    Being ungrateful for the very life I treasure so much.

    So now I shine as my practice of gratitude.

    And the more I allow this shine (and for me it is the whole levity and lightness and laughter scene) to emerge…the more the path deepens and widens. The more it leads me to where I could not have imagined before.

    And every day I remind myself. “Hey, Life is about the Journey MORE than the Destination.”
    And then I sit back in my inner tube, cross my legs and enjoy the ride down this great river of experience.

    Tom….I am glad you are one of life’s river guides. You are inspired and inspiring.
    .-= Katie West/The Levity Coach´s last blog ..Let’s All Live Like Desperados =-.

  18. Patricia – That’s what I call a renegotiation of agreements. Be sure to send me an email stating your new agreement date to be complete. We need to forgive to the degree that we have stuff to forgive ourselves for. Keep at it – the openings will appear.

    Katie – I’m right with you on apologizing for my fire. Screw that! You have it right on, if we don’t honor our uniqueness it’s kind of like being rude and ungrateful for a Divine gift. Hold onto your tube – you ain’t seen nothing yet!

  19. Patricia – That’s what I call a renegotiation of agreements. Be sure to send me an email stating your new agreement date to be complete. We need to forgive to the degree that we have stuff to forgive ourselves for. Keep at it – the openings will appear.

    Katie – I’m right with you on apologizing for my fire. Screw that! You have it right on, if we don’t honor our uniqueness it’s kind of like being rude and ungrateful for a Divine gift. Hold onto your tube – you ain’t seen nothing yet!

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