Start a Business & Quit Your Job – Enough Talk

Haven’t you talked enough? Isn’t it time to quit your job and start a business?

busines startup

geralt / Pixabay

I recently sent an inquiring email to a past coaching client and friend (we’ll call him Joe) asking for an update on a dream business he’s wanted to start. He’s been talking about getting this business started for 7 years. The thing is, I did this guy a disservice by the way I asked about his plans.

The subject line read: Ready to talk yet?

Body of message: Let’s get your plans off hold and get them moving. I’d love to hear an update. Regardless of where you are I’m sure there are effective actions you can do now to develop your business.

Joe’s response: Would love to talk to you Tom. Do you have some time to get together? Can you call me at your convenience?

Since Joe responded that he would love to talk and that’s where I realized my mistake. I was not helping him start a business by offering to do more of the same thing that has kept him in this waiting state.

If you’ve wanted to quit your job and start a business for a long time and haven’t perhaps you can relate.

Talk only gets you so far. You are more ready to act than you think you are and there is ALWAYS  an optimum next step for you to take.  (See strategy session offer at the end of this post if you want to know your optimum next step.)

Talking more about it is the last thing this guy needs. Yeah Joe’s a talker with a heart of gold and I’m sure that he’s talked to everyone he knows about how to start his business by now. He’s probably talked to most of us more than once.

But Joe doesn’t need to talk things over any longer. He needs to act without further delay.

My response: Of course we can talk and even meet for coffee if need be. But first I’d like you to get really clear on where you are, where you want to be and the obstacles that are in your way.

Why? Because I don’t think I’d be serving you by just talking. Haven’t you done enough “talking things over”? Isn’t it time to decide what you want and act?

So how about this? Please pause, take a deep breath and answer these questions.

1). What is the current state of your project?

2). If things went really well where would you like it to be in 90 days? Six months?

3). What are the top three obstacles stopping you?

With respect,


PS I know my email said ready to talk yet? It should have said – ready to do something strong and different? I’m rooting for you.

It’s my hope that Joe responds promptly with the answers to my questions. By doing so he will have earned the opportunity to get really clear with a thorough free strategy session. He’ll leave knowing exactly what he needs to do to take his dream and make it real.

How about you? Do you want to quit your job and start a business? Do you have a dream you want to make real? Have you taken the time to answer the three action questions above? I’d love to see your answers.

Schedule your own free Confidently Make Your Leap, strategy session. 



  1. I think that’s because many people are terrified of having to actually quit their jobs and leaping into the unknown. The questions you gave can really make anyone stop and check themselves to see if they’ve actually done more than just talk about how much they want their own businesses.

  2. Powerful and timely words for keeping a person from becoming a casualty in the process of transition.

  3. Because of the fear of the unknown, most people are stuck where they are. All you need is to take one bold step and every other thing will fall in place.

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