Today I Simply Ran Out of Excuses

Even in Pittsburgh, it’s a beautiful sunny day with low humidity.

I have had absolutely no interruptions.

I have the time to create whatever I want to create, or not.

I realize suddenly that I am happy.

In this moment all is well.

Either I’m full of it or it really matters that all is well.

There is nothing to pursue.

I have things I could do but I feel like doing none of them.

Better yet, I choose to do nothing.

Perhaps I’ll simply be.

Yet I wrote this.

Isn’t this something?

Perhaps I’ll just sit here and glow over the remark ability of me.

I wonder since I’m now excuse-free am I obligation-free as well?

Excuses are things we say to justify not doing something we feel like we should be doing.

Obligations are those things we feel like we should be doing.

It seems like there’s a connection.

I wonder what an excuse-free, obligation-free life might feel like?

Could this be the work life freedom that I encourage the pursuit of?

How could so much of nothing feel so good?

Do you feel like simply being the remarkable human being that you are?

I am what I am. Popeye


  1. I’m with you on this. I started to comment but opted to blog it instead rather than hijack. But I totally feel the urge to do nothing, yet do everything at the same time.

    JBs last blog post..Tithes

  2. Andrea Hess|Empowered Soul says

    Aaaah! Just reading that makes me go … well … aaaaah! Now, there’s that state of being we’ve been talking about, huh?


    Andrea Hess|Empowered Souls last blog post..The Answer to Our Prayers

  3. Suzanne Bird-Harris | vAssistant Services says

    Perhaps I’ll just sit here and glow over the remark ability of me.

    I like that plan. 🙂 And I’ve even engaged in a bit of it myself, here lately.

  4. Excuse free, obligation free. I have also fleetingly experienced these state of mind and it is exhilarating!!!!! Perhaps the perfect combination of sunshine and low humidity acts as a trigger to heighten this perspective….enjoy! –Susan

  5. Excuses are things we say to justify not doing something we feel like we should be doing.

    I just sent this quote to a friend. We’re having trouble getting something we’ve paid for and all we are getting is excuses. I just wish people would give you enough respect to give you the real deal. If they’ve screwed up or are screwing you, they need to have the ya ya’s to tell you. OK, now I’ve vented….thank you I’m better.

    I love being in the state you talk about. To enjoy the present and be totally there is so cool. It is difficult sometimes to let go of the to do list and let yourself just be. I find this free place on my porch swing early in the morning with a cup of coffee. It’s a spiritual time.

  6. JB welcome that’s quite an urge you’ve got going there. Not here. It just felt good simply to be.

    Andrea there is nothing more to say about that.

    Suzanne good for you, we can’t give ourselves too much self-love.

    Susan at the very least low humidity and sunshine is a delightful trigger to remind us to simply breath and enjoy.

    Laurie yep I like porch swings too, there’s only one thing better,
    hammocks! 🙂

  7. Hi Tom – that sounds like a really great state to be in. Being able to choose to do nothing when you want to and not making excuses for doing so sounds perfectly healthy.

  8. Cath it sure is and it’s a big difference from when I used to take off and then feel guilty about it. The difference now is all about having an emotional reserve so you know that regardless of output everything really is okay. We are not our productivity!

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