Why Rock The Boat?

Good question isn’t it? I was coaching a prospective client on the possibility of launching his own business, even though, much of what his job provides, serves him well.  iStock_000008056679XSmall

He asked, why rock the boat? Indeed why?

Most folks who have come as far as he has (actively considering self-employment) already know that it’s just a matter of when not if.  They know they will make their move.  But this big, messy question merits an answer.

It’s messy because many beliefs and cultural norms weigh heavy in the consideration.

I’ve actually had people tell me that they place the obligation of earning well for their children in front of their own happiness.  Those folks need to ask their kids.   Most kids would rather their parents be fulfilled than rich.

Putting loved ones first is only a belief.  There is not one right way to seek ones freedom.  There is only your way.

If you have to ask about rocking the boat, a part of you knows that it’s sinking anyway.  You are in charge of your security and well being.  Your employer is not.

“But I’ll make less money working for myself than working for another. ” That’s just a belief as well.  I’ve seen folks launch new businesses quickly and out earn their employment within 90 days.

Beliefs are nothing more than temporary limits on our achievement. Yet many potential entrepreneurs have believed the same life constricting thoughts for years.

Please don’t take anything the major media says as gospel.  They report for the timid, the cautious and the fearful.  They do not serve you.

Why rock the boat?  Why risk it?  Why change the status quo?

Because the status quo is killing you.

It’s really a matter of self-honor.

It’s a matter of honoring your uniqueness.

Have you ever deeply questioned why we are all so unique from one another?

Don’t you think there’s a good reason behind our creation of differentiation?

Each individual can put himself or herself in a position that better honors his or her uniqueness.

Yep, the best reason to rock the boat is to rock it by putting yourself in the right position.   A football coach would never put a 350 behemoth at wide receiver.  That player would be way out of position and he would struggle and under perform as a result.

Football is actually a much more authentic model for honoring uniqueness than traditional career beliefs and business in general.

The more naturally aggressive and disruptive players play defense.
The more orderly and coachable players play offense.

Position is determined by natural proclivities of speed, bulk, strength, disposition and leadership.  Raw talent is molded and mastered by first starting in the area most likely to produce success.

Are you playing the right position that’s ideally suited for your career or business?

Perhaps like many folks, you’re simply out of position for your work.  By nature some folks are far better off being obedient employees.

But if you’ve always questioned authority, if you’ve always sought independence and if you’ve always blazed your own trails – please do everyone a favor and seize your freedom now.

Don’t just rock that boat – blow that mother up and swim your ass off for the shores of freedom, fulfillment and prosperity.

If you want a masterful coach who will swim right alongside you, contact me for an exploratory, no obligation, and boat-rocking session now.


  1. Scorching post, Tom!

    I love your football analogies and most especially the sentence, “Raw talent is molded and mastered by first starting in the area most likely to produce success.”

    This is absolutely THE main problem with our whole culture! Our school system focuses on rounding out perceived shortfalls to produce “well-rounded” clones, instead of focusing on enhancing our strengths. We are taught by our parents not to be proud of our accomplishments because we would be bragging and that is “wrong”. We become a society of not mindless, but “heart-less” automatons.

    It is really time for people to whole-heartedly acknowledge their strengths and gifts! And then rock the boat to use them!

    Love and light,
    .-= Keena´s last blog ..- =-.

  2. As an educator I see what you’re saying about helping kids to develop their passions and strengths Tom. There is a round hole and by-golly those kids better fit in it. I have more and more respect for homeschooling where this idea has a better chance of happening.

    How many kids end up in their 3rd year of college still not knowing what they want to do? How many kids don’t feel those yearnings in their heart because the waiting passion hasn’t been wafted into a blaze? And as a teacher, how many teachers don’t approach their subject with passion so that kids get how cool it is? If a teacher can’t show passion how does anyone expect a student to? If I, as a science teacher don’t think the dried up sweat on a t-shirt is an uber cool example of separating a salt solution then why should a kid care? I say the boat needs to start rocking in kindergarten! If those kids fall out of the boat, they bounce real good!

  3. Hi Tom – A hearty AMEN to the sentiments! You can’t put a price-based equivalent against fulfillment. Allowing what others say to limit our self-belief is the main reason behind inertia. Great post, thank you.
    .-= Betsy Wuebker´s last blog ..A MEAL COULD CHANGE YOUR LIFE =-.

  4. Thanks for writing this.

    I needed this from the other end of the tunnel — I started my company seven years ago and sold it 1.5 years ago. Although I wasn’t happy in recent months and knew I was burned out I didn’t want to leave due to feelings of guilt, loyalty, and stick with status quo.

    Fortunately I did leave, and it was the right decision. Thanks.
    .-= Jason Cohen´s last blog ..90-minute podcast on creative marketing =-.

  5. Betsy – You are so right. Most folks who have those feelings of obligation are not really putting their families first. often once we are selfish enough to do what’s right for us – we become more generous and capable of helping others.

    Jason – Whew! Glad you did. You bring up an excellent point. We can tire even of our own creations simply because they become something other than what inspires us. Out of position is out of position regardless of the origin. Kudos to you for honoring your truth.

  6. Keena – Hell yeah! Educators don’t teach the right topics for half of the world. How about Entrepreneurship 101 in 9th grade or Discover Your Strengths in 10th? Our values are set at around 11 years old you’d think someone would help us to begin aligning our existence with who we are sooner.

  7. Tom, as always… there’s a spiciness here that I appreciate. What’s interesting is that when I hear the phrase “rock the boat” I anticipate rocking it until it tips. But that doesn’t have to be the case. “Don’t just rock that boat – blow that mother up and swim your ass off…” Oh yeah! “Rock on” 🙂
    .-= Davina´s last blog ..If You Could, Would You? =-.

  8. great post. it doesn’t really apply to me but I see you’ve gotten some positive responses from people who it might. 🙂 Good job.
    .-= Jenny´s last blog ..Before I Was A Mom =-.

  9. Tom,

    I can tell you’re one helluva business coach. You’re right about asking the children – adults like to think they think for their kids, when kids are actually wiser than us sometimes, because they’re not encumbered by the ‘shoulds’ of society.

    From a person who loves being on boats, I’d like to add just one point. Sometimes we rock the boat for no other reason than… it’s FUN! For the sheer joy of being on the water. For the adrenaline rush to see how far we can push without capsizing the boat. And I suppose starting your own business feels much the same way if that is your vocation or calling.

    Thanks for another passionate post.

  10. Great writing Tom!

    Honoring our uniqueness…that’s such a powerful thought…

    Where am I on that curve? I think I’m doing it, I just haven’t jumped ship yet…
    .-= Lance´s last blog ..Tri-ing Life =-.

  11. I think that as we grow, we find ourselves either learning to accept NEW challenges or realizing we’ve taken the WRONG step and fixing that. You never know unless you try…and you never succeed unless you focus on the RIGHT thing.

    Takes decades for most people to realize…. (at least that’s how long it took me. 🙂
    .-= Barbara Ling, Virtual Coach´s last blog ..The Stark Truth Behind How To Get 47,397 Followers On Twitter – FREE BONUS report =-.

  12. Hi Tom,

    As you know, we are self employed and are happy we are. Granted, there can be disadvantages of not having a regular paycheck, but the advantages are priceless. As my husband says, “no guts, no glory”.

    I also agree, there are many who are not meant to be self employed. They don’t care to rock the boat. In fact just the thought of not having the security of a “regular job” makes them seasick. And…thank goodness for them – as those are the ones who become our employees and without them, we could never do all we do.
    .-= Barbara Swafford´s last blog ..Bloopers, BooBoos and Ideas That Went Bust =-.

  13. Tom – you rock – as always!!! I absolutely ADORE this!!!

    This whole blog post deserves to be printed on a million leaflets and the dropped out of airplanes over our cities – Vietnam war era propaganda style!!!

    You are NOT doing your children any favors by modeling a life of miserable servitude to the status quo.

    You are NOT doing yourself any favors by allowing the media to scare you into being grateful for having a dead end job that’s killing you slowly.

    You’re so right – there are some people who WANT to be employees. However, if you THINK you might want to start your own business – you owe it to yourself to do so.

    I’ve never regretted the chances I took – even when they failed”. I have only regretted the times I failed to take action when I knew deep down that I should have!!!
    .-= Kathy | Virtual Impax´s last blog ..What Michael Jackson can teach business about social media… =-.

  14. Laurie – Yes rock that preschool boat and let the parents fall out as well so they can was away their silly fears about appropriate careers that they pressure their kids prepare for.

    Davina – I’m sure glad you appreciate it because I’m incapable of vanilla posts when I’m riled up about something. As always I appreciate your authentic presence.

    Daphne – Your welcome and thank you for pointing out the deliberate creation of a good time. When you’re in your right calling work is play and we can shake things up for the pure joy of it! Beautifully said by you.

    Lance – Some folks have to stick a toe in and see how it feels others have an all or nothing nature. The important thing is to honor who you are and keep stretching. I know you do that athletically just use that same model authentically and you’ll be more than fine.

    Jenny – Welcome. Look again and you’ll find some relevance here. if not in work I’m sure there is an area of your life that could use a good rocking.

    Barbara – Yep God bless those who want to be employed. It’s those who don’t want to, who complain about their work and who stay working for others simply out of fear that screw things up. We must be who we are all they way or live a less than inspiring life.

    Barbara – Yep decades is about right but we have to stay at it because settling brings a desperation that is fully optional. It’s our choice. Really live or fake it to death. There is no other option.

  15. Hi Tom – I love what you say.

    As for this … “I’ve actually had people tell me that they place the obligation of earning well for their children in front of their own happiness.” – at home we were just talking about this yesterday. People don’t realise that kids copy what their parents DO, not what they say… if parents want their children to be successful and fulfilled, they need to find that path themselves, rather than save up money and then hope their kids do it.

  16. I was sailing yesterday…why rock the boat? because that’s the fear and that’s the fun all at the same time. And that is exciting. Easier said than done, as is leaving behind the beliefs and messages learned. Every day I begin to listen more to myself…every day another a-ha, and everyday some more rocking. But what I’ve realized recently is it’s my boat to rock, and if I fall out, so be it. I love to swim!

  17. Kathy – Thank you once again for your praise. I accept it wholeheartedly because I know that you’ve stepped fully into the arena and you know of what you speak. It means a lot to have my suggestions endorsed by your experience as well as my own.

    Robin – You are so right. I’ve experienced it both ways and I know from living it that we are better off to teach our children how to fish in a pond of their own choosing than to by them a boat, pond and rod. Kids are very smart. They pick up on happiness and the lack of it because they are much closer from experiencing life as a red rubber ball than we are.

    Stacey – I love it when you extend my analogies. 🙂 Hell yes! Boat rocking is necessary for full bore living. We love running the rapids because we could fall out. The thrill comes from the challenge of consciously riding something risky as well. I love it and I’m proud of you.

  18. Wow Tom I truly needed to read this Today.
    Information has come my way that I may get an offer of a church – I need to figure out what I am going to say if the offer comes and how I am going to feel if the offer does not come…

    Lots of politics going on.

    Last night I dreamed that I had to get everyone off a bus because they did not belong there and I and my child would be killed if the people did not get off the bus. I held this baby with care and grief, but I could not budge the people off the bus – I woke up when I saw the owner headed my way and I knew he wanted to make an example of me…

    My children are all grown, but the (larger) church has been so abusive to me – and I think it will be the death of me if I go back even for a short time.

    I just wish I could figure out how to get paid for what I do, I still would like to earn a living with my skills….
    I just keep fighting my way through this life working my own game and doing what I think is right for me and mine.

    I am going to work at being funny when they call and I am working now to not get my hopes up – need to get in a better financial position to be powerful ( and have some retirement for me) My oldest child just paid my blog rental for another year.

    I need to read this again…I don’t understand football…maybe I should. Thank you
    .-= Patricia´s last blog ..No Reversing Without Rear End Supervision =-.

  19. Patricia – From your comment the part I’d work on is the “fighting through life.” When we are in resistance to anything we just get more of the same. What we resist persists. I used to be the same way, always feeling as if I were taking up arms against life. Now I go much more with the flow and create more of what I want.

  20. Cynthia Miller says

    Hi Tom. I came looking for inspiration from your blogs today. Some days I get so many of my own aha moments, and other days I look for the inspiration or people that will help me completely tip that boat over. It is easier to make a wave with a load of friends. I used to think there was something wrong with me for getting bored easily. Now I can see that there are a few more people out there who are passionate and wave makers like myself. I actually enjoy change, the faster the better. So maybe if I was implementing all the huge ideas I have, even though none of them earn income, some income might come after all? I know they are the things that I desire to be doing or are passionate about. Maybe as an experiment I should just do them and see what happens.

  21. Cindy – That sounds like a wonderful experiment. or at the very least work one of them through with a sense of exploration and experimentation. Action and follow-through are essential to some degree. I’m sure you’d find Barbara Sher’s book, Refuse To Chose, to be a significant read. I have a couple of links I’ll send you that could be very useful for you. Keep believing in yourself. You are indeed a special one of a kind soul.

  22. Tom, this is a great post! 😉
    I love the example you used, it really is like that!
    My favorite parts which you touched on were: ‘If you have to ask about rocking the boat, a part of you knows that it’s sinking anyway. You are in charge of your security and well being.’
    isn’t it true that so often we settle, thinking we have this illusion of safety, when really we know that we are born to be grandeur! It is not prideful to shine the light! It is fear that holds us back!
    I would rather rock the boat, and enjoy every bit of sharing love and pursuing my dreams and calling in this life – standing for something I know that I believe in wholeheartedly, then to try so hard to blend.
    It takes a lot of courage to differentiate ourselves! It’s tough when you’re naturally more seclusive and quite okay with that, but often these are the best leaders in the long run, because they learn to lean more on their spirit! 😉 this is true authenticity coming through! You are one of those people 😉 Namaste! ~Jen
    .-= Sharmila´s last blog ..When the Ache Goes Away,..We Want to Remember..9-11-09 =-.

  23. Jen – It’s always delightful to read one of your supportive and enthusiastic comments. I’ll bet you have fun putting your wild side out there as well. Yes it does take courage but once we realize what our authenticity is asking – we really have no choice.


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