What’s So Overwhelming About Information Overload?

What’s so overwhelming about information overload? Why do we see it as overload at all? Why do we see too much information as overwhelming? Before the Internet we didn’t get upset because we couldn’t read every book in the library.

If anything, we ought to be overjoyed at all these opportunities to learn, grow and profit. So instead of overwhelm, how about trying on this vein of thought?

What’s really wonderful about having so much information right at our keyboards?

If overwhelmed with overload, you might be forgetting your unique mindset. You, I and everyone else can only see through our own perspective filters. What I find fascinating and inspiring may be boring as hell for you.

Perhaps we could all ask these questions instead of moaning about our inability to keep up.

What if what I’m considering is exactly the right thing for me to see right now? What do I need to see or learn in order to make the decisions that are right in front of me? If overwhelmed, what am I really afraid of?

Hint … perhaps I’m scared to death because with so much information readily available I no longer have the procrastinator’s ignorance excuse of not knowing what to do.

Once this excuse is removed, a feeling of holy cow I’ve got to do something comes up.

Let’s look at the sunny side of overload and overwhelm. Opportunities are endless and we can seize them with the proper focus.

No one can see the opportunity you’re seeing quite like you can. All you need is a feeling of go for it to seize what you see. What’s missing could be the support and encouragement to take action. I’m offering you a way to come together with real support and connection. That group is soon to start.

There is that brief point of inspiration where we need to seize our opportunities as they are illuminated by our own desires. Look out for your points of inspiration. Make note of them. Write them down so you give yourself permission to go back and add to the ideas. An opportunity journal relieves the pressure in a positive way.

What else allows this? Taking action, completing anything, positive encouragement and movement through a point of personal challenge – all will get you feeling light and easy instead of overwhelmed. Quit moaning and be the man or woman you know you can be.

Stumble It!


  1. Andrea Hess|Empowered Soul says

    I think you’re right – we have so many opportunities right at our fingertips. Information is power. We can inform ourselves so easily and quickly in order to make our own decisions these days.

    What creates overwhelm in us, I think, is that there are so many sources out there ready to tell us exactly what to do. We think of a project or venture, go to inform ourselves – and there are so many sources of information telling us with great authority that we simply must take steps A – Z, because it’s what works.

    Instead of informing ourselves about the next step that is perfect and right for us, we get the thirty next steps – or possibly several different versions of the next thirty steps. And that is definitely a good way never to get started!


  2. That’s an excellent point, Andrea, looking within beats putting our faith in the outside experts every time. Our core guidance is there for the asking.

    That said, I think it’s important to recognize that there is a very good reason why we happened to visit one blog over another or decide to open one email out of 20.

    We see what we need to see to support the decisions we need to make. The key then is simply taking the actions and adjusting as we go. What a wild ride it is. It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance on this beautiful journey.

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