I stand for these truths. 
Personal greatness is possible for everyone, at any age, in any circumstance.
The surest route to personal greatness is to do work that is aligned with your individuality.
The most aligned ideal businesses are created, not found.
Anything is possible and possibilities expand as awareness expands.
Readiness and confidence increases as agreements are honored.
Overthinking delays fulfillment. Choosing empowers.
Gratitude is a powerful causative energy.
Playing small serves no one, go for the biggest possible dream that honors who you are.
Uniqueness is rare and scarcity is highly valued.
You have the capacity to create your own destiny in every area of your life.
Where you are
You’re frustrated with waiting but don’t know exactly what to do or how. But you’re determined to change your life in a big way now.
Maybe money and the fear of financial security has become your greatest concern. But you’re tired of that. You just want to be yourself, enjoy your work and be richly rewarded simply for being yourself.
You find yourself at a crossroads and want guidance from a coach who will help you sort out the options and act.
This is my starting your business page.
This is my growing your business page.
If you’re ready to change now, schedule your own complimentary conversation.
CoreU Coaching Mission
My mission is to guide solo service providers who want to start and/or grow their ideal business. If you’ve always wanted to start your own business and haven’t then I can get you there. What would it take for you to make that big decision that you aren’t making? What is the thing that only you can do in the way that only you can do it? That’s what I can guide you to.
You only need an effective no-stone-unturned process supported by a clear structure and that’s what I provide. My vision: Everyone is authentically fulfilled in work, in love, and in life.
How I stumbled into coaching
In the fall of 1998, I was speaking at the Carnegie Business Library, downtown Pittsburgh. A guy came out of the audience after my talk and asked if I did coaching. At that time, I didn’t even know that it was a profession but sensing an opportunity I took his wife on as a pro bono client. I found that I loved coaching more than the speaking because it allowed me to go deeper with clients and to stay with them long enough to see results. I’ve been coaching ever since and I still bounce out of bed eager to coach 16 years later.
Your life has spoken to you too
I’ll help you find your natural eagerness and confidence. Throughout our lives, we are given gentle nudges and progressively louder hints to engage in work that brings us alive. Growing up in the sixties I wasn’t interested in the space program. I liked building dams and going on stand-by-me adventures where we followed newly dug gas line ditches for miles. My first job was on a truck farm, at 17 I worked for an excavator installing sewer lines and at 20, I worked in deep shaft coal mine. Do you see the pattern? Fast forward 27 years and I call my coaching company CoreU because I’ve always enjoyed going deep within my client’s messes and guiding them out.
Core Calling Inspiration
Read this Pittsburgh Post-Gazette article for a sense of who I am.
I value the results attained by my clients over any credential. Read my recommendations here on LinkedIn. I do value my experience with the International Coaches Federation, Pittsburgh where I was privileged to serve as a founding member and second president. I no longer rely on outside bureaucracies for validation. Your own capacity to create what you want, with the guidance of your own individuality, along with the results attained by your clients, is the only credential you need.
Want to reach your personal greatness and feel what it’s like to be totally supported and championed? Schedule your initial alignment working session – your confident new life waits.