Overcoming the 7 Ways Solopreneurs Struggle to Get Clients

Guiding new business creation for 17 years, as well as my own practice building experience as a choose your ideal client nichesolopreneur has given me deep insight into how solopreneurs struggle to get clients.

A solopreneur is a self-employed business person or practice professional, (consultants, coaches, attorneys, engineers) who chooses to grow a business without employees.

Here are the top 7 ways solopreneurs struggle to get clients.

  1. Too much of their time and energy is wasted on non-essential tasks.
  2. They resist marketing and are uncomfortable with self-promotion.
  3. They try too many different marketing tactics so they become a dabbler of many and a master of none.
  4. They aren’t marketing strategically and effectively.
  5. They aren’t leveraging their distinct marketplace advantage.
  6. They resist choosing a deep and narrow, singular niche so they never get to know one tribe well enough to connect and to become an expert.
  7. They don’t consistently market to a singular niche.

All seven of these struggle points are eliminated when the solopreneur chooses and markets only to one singular niche that is ideally aligned with who they are.

There is no more effective way to be different than to be exactly who you are. –Bernadette Jiwa

Start leveraging your distinct advantage today by getting your own copy of my eBook: CHOOSING YOUR IDEAL NICHE: How to Decide with Confidence and Prosper from Your Signature Edge.

By working through the exercises in this self-coaching guide you’ll be able to identify and choose your ideal niche. Your ideal niche is the niche that you are best suited and most eager to serve.

By marketing only to that niche solopreneurs will no longer struggle to get clients

To get my personal help request a complimentary Grow Your Business breakthrough session. 


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